What happened to the Google Wonder Wheel? [VIDEO]

Get your Google Wonder Wheel Back! What happened to the Google Wonder Wheel? The new “Google Instant” has dispaced it. Not to worry, this video will show you how to get the Wonder Wheel Back.

This is important because subscribers of my newsletter will soon learn of my new product that shows you how to use the Google Wonder Wheel to find the best LSI relevant keywords to drive traffic to your site. Subscribe now in the form at right!

  • thatqt says:

    thanks so much for this vid. i was driving myself crazy trying to figure out how to get my wonder wheel back! you rule!!!

  • admin says:

    You’re welcome, thatgt (love the name!).

  • admin says:

    Great question! I was researching that today, as well. It looks to me like the new Google changes have done away with the Wonder Wheel. You can still get similar feedback from “Related Searches”, but it isn’t as graphic of a view. Too bad, it was a great tool.

  • Ryan K says:

    I tried this method, but it does not show the wonderwheel in the sidebar – just Related searches being the closest thing I can see.  Any clues?

  • admin says:

    You’re right, Ryan. Google discontinued the Wonder Wheel earlier this month. I miss it already!

  • Rwayne54 says:

    This method does not work anymore to recover the Google Wonder Wheel

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