Steve Rosenbaum – Marketing Automation Specialist

Steve Rosenbaum Marketing Automation Specialist

Steve Rosenbaum
“The Original Follow Up Specialist”

Steve Rosenbaum was first coined the “Original Follow Up Specialist” following interviews in the Wall Street Journal and with ABC News 20/20 about his successful conversion strategies. The name has stuck ever since.

With over 30 years marketing automation and sales management expertise, Steve is widely sought out by companies and professionals in dozens of industries wishing to apply his techniques to improve their sales and profitability.

His passion to help independent business owners led to the creation of his company, Bottom Line Marketing Automation, Inc. (BLMA).

Rosenbaum states:

There are 2 major challenges facing our economic system today”

  1. Businesses need help. Many of them are failing and 68% of them do not have the essential marketing processes in place.
  2. There are many good, talented sales people and business professionals that need to learn new skills so that they can make a living and provide for themselves.

BLMA is the first company created to attack both problems head on.

Steve trains students to help put successful Back End Marketing funnels in place for businesses around the world.

In addition, designs and builds FunnelKits, done-for-you Back End marketing funnels that are aggressively priced within the budget of all businesses.

Steve’s products are fully optimized to take advantage of the powerful FunnelKits (powered by ActiveCampaign), Infusionsoft, Ontraport, Office Autopilot, Sendpepper and other marketing automation and CRM platforms such as Salesforce, Zoho, SugarCRM and more. (If you are using a CRM, then you can definitely benefit from Steve’s systems).

They are created by niche and content experts so that businesses can get fast results out of the box, for a fraction of the price.

Rosenbaum adds:

“Smaller businesses need easy to use and easy to afford tools so they can better leverage their marketing resources; and quit throwing money down the drain”

Steve’s humorous and engaging educational style makes him an audience favorite at speaking events, and his products are highly acclaimed for providing an abundance of “usable” information at reasonable prices.

You can best follow Steve Rosenbaum by joining any of the lists on his site, and be joining private Facebook Group for small businesses and entrepreneurs.
