Build Your Back End – Complete Marketing Automation Tools and Services
Improve the quality of your leads, dominate your market and destroy your competition with Steve’s complete marketing automation tools and services.
Entrepreneur Magazine calls Marketing Automation the next Killer App because companies that use it
- Experience a 451% increase in qualified leads.
- See 10% or greater revenue increase in first 6-9 months.
- Can save 15% on creative production expenses
(Frankly, many companies achieve results even better than this)
Many regard Steve Rosenbaum, author of the Back End Blueprint, and host of the Google BuildBigBiz channel marketing program for small businesses, “Show Me Your Back End” , as one of the foremost authorities on complete marketing automation strategies.
Steve has helped tens of thousands of businesses and agencies around the world achieve better qualified leads, convert more sales and maximize “Life Time Value (LTV)” of their customers through his sensible approach to marketing automation and sales and marketing funnel development.
Now, for the first time ever, Steve has leveled the playing field by creating complete marketing automation tools and services for small businesses. His Funnel Kits™ and “Build Your Back End Programs” are now available at a fraction of the price that big corporations typically pay for these types of services.
“Build Your Back End” Custom Designed Marketing Automation Package
The key to marketing automation success begins with a well crafted strategy and process flow. Steve’s proprietary LEAC Proof™ Funnel System ensures that your business process effectively captures, segments communicates and converts every contact you meet.
The reason why most company’s marketing fails is because it usually treats all contacts the same by blasting out the same message to everybody. In reality, you have at least for types of people, or “Markets”, that you communicate with. We call these “Suspects”, “Prospects”, “Active Customers”, and “Inactive (or Lost) Customers”.
Obviously, you want to have different strategies for each market. That just makes sense, right?
When Steve “Builds Your Back End” he will hand-craft the perfect system that automatically sends the “Right Message” to the “Right Market” at the “Right Time”.
Right Message + Right Market + Right Time = Sales Success
Steve’s Team will work with you and get you up and running as quickly as possible so that you don’t have to take on the enormous, time, expense and learning curve of doing it yourself.
With the experience and passion Steve’s team brings to the table you will get the most out of your marketing automaton application including:
- Map out your custom marketing automation strategy (LEAC Proof Funnel System)
- Complete the Marketing System Assessment and Review
- Help you choose the right marketing automation software or platform
- Import your contacts
- Segment and tag your contacts
- Develop a branded email template
- Assist in message strategy and creation of emails for your first 2 campaigns
- Program your first 2 campaigns and sequences that deliver trackable results
- Develop a Lead Scoring and Sales Follow Up Strategy for your team
- Program all rules and automation so your system runs 24/7/365 and keeps any leads from falling through the cracks
- Create Alerts and Notifications so you can easily spot Hot Prospects that are “Ready, Willing and Able” to buy from you now
- Automate and systemize with other programs and services when possible
- Much, Much, More!
What to Expect
Just fill out our the Valued Client Form, choose your payment method. For your convenience, we offer two payment options:
Order Now!
- Single Payment: Just $9995
- Three Monthly Payments of $3667
Once you have made payment you will be given a link to schedule our initial call.
Or, if you still have additional questions, and would like to discuss how Steve’s Back End can take your sales success to levels you’ve only dreamed about, you can schedule an initial consultation with one of our Certified Back End Specialists for only $500.
Call Toll Free Now to schedule your first appointment: 888-818-0039