The Only LinkedIn System That Puts You In Total Control...
The Only LinkedIn System That Puts You In Total Control...
Delivers Highly Qualified & Targeted LinkedIn Prospects to Your Inbox in Just 15 Minutes Per Day
This incredible bundle combines everything you need to find, attract, qualify and close the hottest prospects from LinkedIn's amazing database of over 450,000,000 professionals.

Hi this this is Steve Rosenbaum...
2017 is off to a great start for me and a select group of professionals that you might want to be a part of.
Two of my biggest goals this year are to land more speaking gigs and to create joint venture opportunities with large associations that can put me in front of large audiences of future higher paying clients.
And my LinkedIn and Personal Branding strategies are already working brilliantly...
I'll tell you more about those in a moment... But first, you've got to hear about this dream call I got just the other day. It's exactly the type of call that I know you'd love to get and I want to tell you exactly what I did to make it happen and even give you my 5 Step LinkedIn Success System.
Well That Was A Pleasant Surprise
It never fails...
I'd been working in my office, setting everything up to record some videos for over half an hour, making sure everything was just right, and just when I was ready to press the record buton...
the phone starts ringing.
"Private Caller" showed the Caller ID. I nearly didn't answer (boy, I'm sure glad I did!)
"Unbelievable!" I swore to myself. It's amazing... Even though I'm on the Do Not Call registration, and my number is unlisted, I still get hounded by pesky calls.
But I answered anyway...
"Hello, this is Steve Rosenbaum".
"Hi Steve, my name is Alex, I am the Director of Marketing and Operations for a world wide association with more than 13,000 members and 67 local chapters throughout the US and several different countries. I found you on LinkedIn and wanted to know if you would you be available to speak at our upcoming event?" She asked.
"That depends," I responded. "I'd love to meet your members at the event, but my processes can benefit your entire 13,000 members. How can I reach them, as well, so they don't miss out?"
"You make a great point, Steve, I want to connect you directly with our founder. Can you have a "face-to-face" online chat at 4:00 this afternoon?"
I scheduled the appointment with the founder. The chat went beautifully! He's a brilliant man that built this incredible worldwide association from scratch. He wants to bring me on his podcast and put me in the speaking rotation for events around the country.
"How did you find me?" I asked them.
"We were referred to you by somebody that knows you on LinkedIn. Then we checked out some of your videos to see your style and knew you'd be a good fit."
They gave me the person's name and I looked him up. Sure enough, we had recently connected on LinkedIn through my 5 Step "ConnectQualify" process (I'll tell you about that in just a moment).
We'd never met in person, yet my process had already made enough of an impression on him that he referred me to this large group...
And I had become what Dan Kennedy calls "The Invited Guest"!

The Perfect 5 Step Solution
How would you like to know the exact strategies I used to make this happen?
This call was the result of my highly successful daily 5 Step process I perform on LinkedIn.
It's no secret. I simply did exactly what I teach in my courses ConnectQualify for LinkedIn (101 & 102).
Here's a screenshot of exactly what those 5 steps are:

Does Any of This Sound Familiar?
Maybe your business isn’t exactly where you’d like it to be right now.
Maybe, you’ve been doing this for several years,… “making a living”, but you’re still a slave to your business. You can’t afford the time or money to finally take a trip with your family, still just barely covering the bills while working more hours for yourself than you ever did when you had a job.
Or maybe, you’re just getting started. Trying to set up a business for yourself so you can live the entrepreneurial dream. Leave your current job, or replace a lost job so that you can finally be your own boss and spend your time doing what you really love to do.
Or maybe you’ve got a very successful business already and you’re constantly looking for ways to make it even more successful. Maybe even develop an exit strategy so that you can hand somebody else the keys and move on to your next dream or vision.
The same exact thing used to happen to me, too:
- I used to struggle to find new clients… good clients that wanted to pay me excellent money to be the expert and run their entire marketing for them month after month after month.
- I used to hate cold calling and felt it was a waste of time (not to mention a real blow to my morale because the nasty gate keepers seemed to take such joy at preventing me from meeting the decision makers… Even though I KNEW they needed what I had for them).
- I used to get distracted by all the cool things I could do for businesses, and had trouble sticking to a real strategy that I secretly know would make me much more successful.
- I used to lack confidence in calling myself an expert and was often afraid to ask for the premium prices that I saw so many others getting for offering a whole lot less.
- I used to tinker forever, wanting, expecting, and demanding perfection, and afraid to do anything until I got it “just right”.
The Day It All Changed For Me...
But that all changed for me one day when I “accidentally” made this huge sale, just by being at the right place at the right time.
It was my biggest sale ever (at that time)… Nearly $60,000 and probably 5 times larger than anything I had ever sold before!
Seriously, I’d like to tell you that it was because I did something spectacular, or because I said something so brilliant that I closed the deal and got a high paying new client.
But that’s just not the case.
She bought from me because the she was DESPERATE and needed a solution RIGHT AWAY!
Seriously…I didn’t have to be a super smooth salesperson (which I’m not).
If it wasn’t me right there, right at that moment, then it would have been the next person to walk through the door with a pulse and a solution.
Do you know what I mean?
In business:
- Timing is EVERYTHING
- Calling on the Right Prospect is EVERYTHING
- Having the Right Message is EVERYTHING
And if you have the Right Message, at the Right Time, and you’re speaking to the Right Person, then you’re going to make the sale 9 out of 10 times.
I Discovered A MUCH BETTER System!
So I decided I needed to come up with a way to make sure that I was ALWAYS at the RIGHT PLACE at the RIGHT TIME and with the RIGHT MESSAGE...
Now, when you do it my way, you're going to find that it is so much EASIER (and so much MORE FUN)!
Just imagine if:
- You could easily tap into a huge stream of hungry professionals that were attracted to all the ways that you could help them RIGHT NOW!
- You didn’t have to cold call ever again, or put up with those sadistic gate keepers, because the decision makers themselves reached out talk to you directly!
- You had a clear focus, and daily task list of what you needed to do to set yourself up for the absolute most success.
- Your confidence soared because you could actually see real results that you brought your clients (and they constantly showed you their gratitude and appreciated your brilliance).
- You learned the secret to overcoming the “perfectionist” limitation that’s secretly holding you back and blocking both you and your clients’ mutual success (this is a real killer, and is going to keep you exactly where you are, if you don’t get a handle on it RIGHT NOW…).
Well you don't have to imagine it anymore, because I've just made it a reality for you to master these deal-closing skills with one amazingly powerful bundle of my top products...
3 Huge Products PACKED with Everything You Need! Compete Instructions! Step-by-Step Instructions! Nothing Held Back! Nothing Left Out!

Step 1 - Learn the Basics

The proven LinkedIn System that everybody is talking about. Most LinkedIn courses only help you build your profile and make new connections. But that's not nearly enough! Get introduced to the ingenious 5 Step system that builds lifelong relationships so that you create an infinite pipeline of hot leads that want to do business with you.
6 Videos plus Bonus.
Reg. Price $97
Get started and revved up to attract hot new connections as you get an overview of the entire 5 step system. When you watch this video you will excitedly nod your head in agreement as you recognize how this system instantly improves your LinkedIn networking success which means more people wanting you to help them with their business.
Step 1: Grow Your Connections
It's easy for you to attract the highest quality prospects when you learn the proven techniques in Step 1 Grow Your Connections. See the essential 6 tactics that skyrocket you to the top of your network so that more quality people want to connect with you.
Step 2: Capture Home Field Advantage
Many LinkedIn users don't realize how dangerous it can be until they land in "LinkedIn Jail", or worse, lose their account. Protect yourself, take control of your relationships, and play by your rules. You'll learn how in Step 2: Capture Home Field Advantage.
Step 3: Filter for Qualified Leads
Some people are "Ready, Willing and Able" to hire you right now. All you have to do is ask them some very special questions. Step 3: Filter for Qualified Leads also shows you exactly what to do before scheduling an appointment so that you avoid "Brain Pickers & Tire Kickers" that just want to rob you of your most precious assets, time and knowledge.
Step 4: Ignite the Relationship
Win the "Battle of the Inbox" so that your messages get opened and read in Step 4: Ignite the Relationship. Learn exactly what to say in your first 5 messages so that you set yourself up for long term success with every connection you make.
Step 5: FollowUpForever
Everybody's favorite lesson because Step 5: FollowUpForever ensures that you never let another opportunity slip through the cracks. Learn how to be an "Undercover Spy" that instantly detects the true motivations of every connection you make.
ConnectQualify for LinkedIn 201 Preview
6 Videos! - Gives you an overview of the advanced strategies that you will learn in ConnectQualify for LinkedIn 201 and breaks down exactly what to do in each and every step!
Step 2: Perfect the System

Unlock direct access to the recordings of the inner-circle mastermind training sessions containing exclusive content and never-before-seen original presentations! Watch over my shoulder as I take you directly into my LinkedIn account and Follow Up systems and show you the tips, tricks & secrets that will explode your results!
Over 9 Hours Cutting Edge Material!
Reg. Price $497
Welcome to Advanced Training
You've never seen a LinkedIn prospecting system like this! Connect Qualify for LinkedIn 201 has already generated hot new prospects for scores of students. Begin with the Deep Dive Advanced Strategy Training, and continue with the Bonus Tactics.
Step 1: Grow Your Connections
See exactly what your success looks like! Learn Steve's "Sneaky" ways for optimizing profiles and advanced searches that consistently attracts the best prospects that are looking exactly for what you offer. 112 minutes!
Step 2: Capture Home Field Advantage
Learn the secrets of setting up Steve's proprietary "LinkedIn Landing Page" that ensnares your LinkedIn connections into your funnel so that you take control of the relationship. 88 minutes!
Step 3: Filter for Qualified Leads
Instantly finds highly qualified leads, buried deep within your huge LinkedIn network, that want to hire you right now! 103 minutes!
Step 4: Ignite the Relationship
Steal my famous "Ignition Funnel" that kicks off every relationship the right way... Putting you in command, demonstrating authority, and creating the best experience for your client. 99 minutes!
Step 5: Follow Up Forever
Never let another lead fall through the cracks. This brilliant funnel is responsible for more pre-sold, inbound sales calls than anything I've ever seen. 56 minutes!
Bonuses - Additional Tactics
LinkedIn Success in Just 15 Minutes Per Day!
Optimize Your Privacy Settings
Optimize Your Profile
Sneaky Clever Keyword Hack
Sneaky Clever Positioning Hack
How to Use Spreadsheet Templates
ConnectQualify Search Log
ConnectQualify Contact Log
ConnectQualify for LinkedIn 201 Preview
Step 3: Be the Expert People Want to Hire

My Top-Rated Udemy Course, Command Big Bucks: Personal Branding & Status Growth Hacks, is the perfect complement to ConnectQualify for LinkedIn. Become The Highly Sought-After Expert, Boost Your Credibility, Dominate Web Presence; Even If You're Just Beginning.
My Udemy courses are enjoyed by more than 9000 students from over 140 countries around the world!
33 Lectures; 4+ Hours of Content!
Reg. Price $95
Welcome to Command Big Bucks
Get started and revved up to attract hot new connections as you get an overview of the entire 5 step system. You'll find yourself excitedly nodding your head in agreement as you instantly recognize how this system will instantly improve your LinkedIn networking success.
The Perfect Process
Learn how to take control of the process so that you gain intelligence and feedback while always maintaining possession of your most prized assets... especially you contacts! Contains 6 Lectures and a Quiz
Laying Breadcrumbs
Take A Look At The “Breadcrumbs” That I Drop Across The Web To Attract People Seeking My Expertise. Contains 14 Lectures and a Quiz
Following Up and Closing Deals Quickly!
(this is where the Big Bucks Are Made)
You will be amazed how simple it is to follow up quickly and effectively every single time... You just need to learn my proven process. Contains 9 Lectures and a Quiz
BONUS: Pick My Brain Page
My Secret Weapon To Finding Serious Prospects While Keeping Tire Kickers, Brain Pickers, And Freebie Seekers From Robbing Me Of My Most Valuable Assets.

Get the ConnectQualify for LinkedIn Bundle Today...
Save 85%!
If you bought these products individually, you'd pay $689..
Today Only
Just $97!
About Steve Rosenbaum
Steve Rosenbaum's coaching, mentoring and proven "Back End" processes have helped thousands of business owners around the world.
Many of you go to sleep every night with that gnawing feeling that opportunities are falling through the cracks, you're not finding and keeping new clients or booking enough gigs, customers are fleeing to the competition, or worse yet, forgetting about the wonderful products & services you work so hard to deliver (it's the #1 reason people stop doing business with you).
My proprietary "Back End" systems put an end to all of your worries. These sales & marketing processes quickly find & close immediate opportunities for your company. They also follow up & nurture prospects so no more hot leads fall through the cracks.
“Join Offline Funnel Mastery today, and finally give your business the Back End it deserves”

What People are Saying...

ConnectQualify Students Rave...
There's one thing that Steve showed us in module 2 of the course (Capture the Home Field Advantage) that absolutely blew my mind.
It's something that LinkedIn makes available to all users, but I no idea you could do it--and it's incredibly powerful.
This one tip alone is worth many times the cost of the course.
ConnectQualify for LinkedIn showed me how to use LinkedIn as a source of qualified leads and not just meaningless connections.
Eric Hilton

ConnectQualify has really shown me another approach to capturing and nurturing leads with LinkedIn.
Lots of hidden gems that I've underutilized in the past but will now take full advantage of.
I really enjoy Steve's method of teaching. In fact, I liked it so much I also joined another one of his courses and really loving that too.
Glen Andrade

Steve's thorough approach to attracting clients to my funnel and getting results is what I find most beneficial.
His teaching and coaching during webinars is invaluable and I would highly recommend your course to both advanced and new online marketers.
Connect Qualify for LinkedIn is the ultimate training that actually connects with your target market and gets results. I have already received 49 new optins!
Steve has taught me that that clever automation and individualization is what makes a business successful.
Susanna Terry
More from Steve's Students...
"I've learned more from OFM training sessions than all others combined. Steve's a great guy and one of the few I trust."
Leon Calhoun
"Of all the marketing specialists I have come across, your system makes the most sense to me in terms of helping the majority of businesses."
Linda Spector
"Steve Rosenbaum really knows his stuff, but beyond that, he knows how to teach what he knows in a way that makes it fun and easy to learn! After today's session, I feel confident that I could make a presentation with a client/prospect right now! :)"
Suzette DesJardins
"Steve Rosenbaum is one of the best sales and marketing trainers in the business. After going through his content, I have learned a skill set that takes what I have learned in my 25 years of experience in sales and marketing and puts it on steroids. He teaches simple concepts, that only need to be planned out and then executed. it is pure gold! Thank you Steve!"
Craig J Costenbader
"I’m digging into Offline Funnel Mastery and wondering how I am going to be able to sleep. My mind is going into overdrive and can’t wait till I get into the implementation stage."
Will Simms
"This has to be one of the best investments I have ever made. These modules have been so helpful; information and guidance in ways many others that were/are more expensive couldn't touch."
Carol Santella
"Your training is top notch, in my book; you cover all the bases and go above and beyond to make sure your students have everything they need. Thank you.”
Ed Carey
"I have followed Steve Rosenbaum for years now. Whenever I implemented exactly what he told me I made money and my clients made money!"
Terrell Ray
"I took immediate, decisive, focused although imperfect action after our coaching call and very quickly went from zero people in my "7-iron funnel" to a funnel full of warm and hot prospects."
Ron Bartling
"Best person I have seen taking about systemizing businesses."
Dan Hammick
"It is the missing link for so many businesses and Steve nails it."
Craig Worrell
"Had my first appointment yesterday with a business to talk about his website. Once I showed him the Back End Blueprint, we spent the entire meeting talking about that and how it fits into the big picture."
Justyn Faber
Is ConnectQualify Right for You?
ConnectQualify is not for everybody. Let's look at who is likely to get the best results.
- You are a success minded business owner and/or consultant that likes to be shown proven processes to improve your business.
- You are action oriented and don't mind putting in the time to learn and implement proven processes.
- You like to surround yourself with other success minded entrepreneurs that support each other, share best practices and embrace proven processes.
- You understand that having the right strategy is the top of the food chain, and that having the right proven processes for your business is more important than falling for every new technology and bright shiny object.
- Stubborn individualists who would rather spend years learning, and making mistakes instead of implementing proven processes.
- Impatient wannabe's who are looking for overnight ways to get rich quick instead of patiently working and tweaking proven processes that are built for long term success.
- "Wind Sock" people who have trouble committing to proven processes because they change the direction of their business as often as the weather changes. (Actually, it's ok if you've had trouble with this before, as long as you're ready to stop it now).

Get the ConnectQualify for LinkedIn Bundle Today...
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If you bought these products individually, you'd pay $689..
Today Only
Just $97!

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